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By incorporating Mindfulness into daily life, one can, holding a decentered perspective, identify self-devaluative, hopeless thoughts for what they really are: thoughts. Disengagement will be easier for the practitioner as no action will be required to facilitate these “unreal” thoughts. Rumination is therefore not required as there is no goal to achieve since the thoughts are exactly that, thoughts.

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We all experience emotions. Emotions make us human. Arguably, if we were to strip away the emotions from the human we would be left with

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By incorporating Mindfulness into daily life, one can, holding a decentered perspective, identify self-devaluative, hopeless thoughts for what they really are: thoughts. Disengagement will be

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Human beings are designed to self-regulate. Many aspects of cognition are devoted to the service of goals. With this, we are in a constant state

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The Wandering Mind

It is essential to commit to the drift in order to engage in Mindfulness practice. When the mind wanders, which is natural behaviour, commit to

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“If thought could exercise an influence upon a living organism, might not thought exercise an influence upon dead and inorganic things?”

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