The benefits of meditation are many. As such, meditation has been practiced for thousands of years, in many traditions around the world. The benefits were known and realised long before the development of technology to assist us in knowing them. It would require many words to describe the exact benefits that meditation permits, and it is certain that there are many sources that can be informative of these. Thoughts that persist can bring distress. This distress can manifest unless a response is given. The healing process involves a process of acceptance. By meditating we open ourselves up to these thoughts and we consciously respond.
Any thought has the potential to harm us, rather than rejecting them, they should be allowed to enter the mind and then to be accepted, for what it is. This cycle of observation and acceptance occurs during meditation. We practice, and when the mind wanders we accept the thought, and then gently bring our attention back to the practice.
Meditation focuses the attention to grant conscious observation of thoughts to allow for appropriate response.